For a professional approach towards pest control call 07504224695
Health & Safety
EcoShield Environmental will ensure that the welfare of our clients and their employees is safeguarded when carrying out operations.
Our health and safety procedures are designed to minimise risk and therefore protect clients and their employees, together with the pest control technicians and the public in general from accident, injury, and damage or harm.
Procedures are also drawn up to protect and minimise our impact on the environment.
A health and safety policy’s basic principles are the identification of hazards, i.e the potential to cause harm and the reduction of all associated risks with regard to the likelihood to cause harm. Our policy on health and safety, together with all our procedures and our continual training, are designed to support this principle.
Site specific risk assessments will be completed by us before starting any operational task.

EcoShield Environmental ensures that all technicians are competantly trained to RSPH Level 2. Listed below are a few of the important areas that this qualification focuses on:
1. Control of Substances Hazardous to Health
2. Risk Assessments
3. Control of Pesticide Regualtions 1997
4. Wildlife and Country Side Act 1981
5. Health and Safety at Work Act 1974
6. Working Safely with Ladders
7. Working at Heights
8. Manual Handling
RSPH Level 2 Accredited
EcoShield Environmental Services are fully qualified and insured to meet BPCA requirements
Call 07504224695 or enquire online using the contact page
© EcoShield Environmental 2012